The Stars Assembly, a student talent show hosted by Timpview every year is a well-loved tradition. However, this year’s Stars Assembly was held in the Thunderdome instead of the auditorium and changed to be in the earlier months of the school year as opposed to being held in March or April. The change in acoustics made it difficult to hear many of the performances, however, with the more condensed environment the energy was much higher.
There were a total of 12 performances including a variety of talent, singing, dancing, martial arts, and even a lightsaber show.
The assembly started with a Christmas dance and sing along to Justin Bieber’s adaptation to the song Drummer Boy. This act was performed by Samara Bikman, Caroline Doxey, Eliza Elmer, and Jane Church. Although many couldn’t fully hear or understand the performance due to the environment, it was an energetic act to begin the assembly.
Samara Bikman and Cannon Hadfield were the hosts of the assembly, and after the first performance, they then went on to introduce the talent show along with some announcements about Sub-for-Santa.
One of Timpview’s most admired groups performed next, K-Pop dance. Lina Walker, Xiomara Banks, Maria Mateaki, and Aquetzalli Gonzalez performed a Korean pop-style dance. Because the assembly had been moved to a surrounding stage, it made it hard for a majority of people to enjoy the dance, as the group was only performing to one side of the gym, whereas if it was performed as normal in the auditorium many more students would have enjoyed this familiar act.
Emmeline King performed an original song, Happy for You, on the guitar. This performance was enjoyable and unique, even some students pulled out their phone flashlights to sway along with the song.
The next performance was something Timpview had never seen before, a lightsaber routine done by Nathan Weaver. However even with the lights turned off, the natural light shined throughout the gym. It resulted in not producing the effect we would’ve gotten compared to being in the auditorium. This performance was a crowd-favorite and even earned itself a standing ovation.
The next group to perform was one with many talents to see. Seniors Samuel Clayton (Guitar/Voice), Brooke Jensen (Piano), Anya Esplin (Guitar/Voice), and Anya Salmon (Violin), performed the song Photograph by Ed Sheeran. This was a beautiful production, that many were familiar with, and it shared the different talents throughout the student body.
Vienna VanDyke performed the song Small Talk, by Briston Maroney, on the guitar. This is one of the few acts you could hear, and aren’t we glad we could?
The following act was a cello performance performed by Kaylee Vivian. Vivian played the song Suite One in G by Bach. This was an act that Timpview hasn’t seen in recent Stars Assemblies, so it was a fun and new experience.
Alexis Sandavol and Enzo Casalaspro performed J. by Ivan Cornejo, a guitar duet in Spanish. Many of Timpview’s students don’t know Spanish, but Sandavol and Casalaspro still were able to get the audience engaged and have a good time throughout the song.
“Ho ho ho”, said our next performer. Elijah Pestana played the Christmas song Santa Claus is Coming to Town on the piano. With jolly and joy, Pestana had some audience members singing along in their seats, making it a fun interactive act.
Abram Conner, Van Ellis, and Thomas Bingham then took the floor with their unusual, but cool act. The three seniors performed Hustle with nose flutes which created one of the most entertaining acts of the assembly. Two of these performers hadn’t played the nose flute until the morning of the performance, which made for an original and fun performance for the crowd.
A fan-favorite performed next. Bella Romero brought about a martial arts routine with her instructor. Romero was a performer at the last Stars Assembly and was well-loved, and she did not disappoint this year. In fact, after she earned a standing ovation, many students were lining up to get her autograph on slivers of wooden boards she broke throughout her routine.
The final performance of the assembly was a love song dedicated to the lead singer’s girlfriend. Sabes, played by Luis Orduno, David Garcia, Juan Prieto, Eli Zimmerman, and Jared Grado, was a great way to end the performance through a heart-warming dedication.
Overall the Stars Assembly was a hit, but it leaves the question as to why the location and time of year was changed. Will they change it back to normal next year, or is this the new reality of the Stars Assembly?