Snow problems at Timpview! With winter starting and the Timpview area getting its first real snowfall, crashes and problems are bound to happen. Junior Ellie Robertson has this to say about winter driving, “Driving in the snow is terrible and I hate it, I have had bad experiences in the past. One time, I even crashed. It was because I was at a round-a-bout while it was snowy and then I tried to yield, but my brakes were not braking, and unfortunately I crashed into a car. It set me back 500 bucks and terrified me for the rest of my driving career.” Like Ellie, many students have experienced a hard time driving in the snow. Students also experience trouble parking when the weather is less than ideal. As we all know Timpview struggles with parking and with kids not wanting to walk in the snow, rain, slush, etc. bad things are bound to happen. For example, there have been many fender benders that have come from students sliding into each other while trying to park. I, for one, have seen this all too many times. The reactions from the students are very disheartening to watch. There have been tears, phone calls to parents, yelling & screaming, and who knows what else. So I warn you, as the weather turns dreary, be prepared for the worst.
Snow Problems at Timpview
A red car has slid on the icy road and his into the freeway medium. This has created a traffic jam for the other cars.
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About the Contributor

Luke Nelson, News/Features Editor
Luke Nelson, avid women’s lover. Also heavily addicted to gambling(send money please). graduating 2025