In our world, plagued with fast fashion and over-consumerism, it’s hard to find a piece of clothing worth the price. If I’m looking for a new pair of jeans, there’s no way I’m willing to spend $100. But, the reality is that if you’re wanting to buy anything new and of good quality, you’re going to have to pay a steep price. If you try to buy cheap clothing, it is almost guaranteed that the quality of it is going to be terrible. That $10 shirt is going to fall apart in your washing machine within the year.
However, recent trends have coincided with an excellent solution: thrifting.
There’s videos all over social media of people digging through bins of clothing and shoes. These people are pulling out LuluLemon leggings and Nike’s worth hundreds of dollars. And yes, it’s kind of disgusting to be digging through somebody else’s dirty clothes—but the benefits outweigh the downsides.
Personally, the majority of my closet is thrifted. For the past couple of years, the only places I’ve bought clothes are at thrift stores. And quite frankly, it takes a lot of time. I’ve spent hours at Deseret Industries looking for the perfect outfit. Sometimes I go, and I don’t find anything I want to buy even after I’ve looked through every single rack. But, in the end I always find the time I’ve spent is worth it, because there seems to be endless benefits.
Buying used clothes is extremely cheap, so you end up being able to buy way more clothes than you would have been able to if you bought something new. Buy one shirt brand new, or buy four used for the same price. Another benefit is that you’re also not contributing to all of the waste from the fashion industry.
When you buy something second hand, those clothes aren’t going to end up going straight to a landfill. You end up saving resources and reducing your carbon footprint because new clothes aren’t being produced. When you thrift you know that everything is good quality. Because if it’s lasted long enough to end up at the goodwill and it’s still in good condition then you know it will last you a long time.
Also, when you thrift your entire wardrobe, it’s almost always guaranteed it’s going to be unique. Nobody else is going to have what you’re wearing. You’re able to buy clothes you really love and that aren’t just manufactured to fit the current trends.
For homecoming this year, I thrifted my dress and shoes. The dress was uniquely for me, and it was much less money. For the whole look, I had spent $20. If I had bought my shoes and dress brand new, it would have cost at least $100 or more.
Buying your wardrobe second hand is cheap, eco-friendly, rewarding, and productive. Just try it out, I promise you’ll be grateful you did.