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Emma Chamberlain: The Raw and True Side of the Internet

Emma Chamberlain: The Raw and True Side of the Internet

Every person has their own form of relaxation. People go on hikes, indulge in some McDonald’s fries, go shopping, read, write, draw, sleep, and even run ( I applaud you if you run). But, some may argue that one of the most popular forms of relaxation is found in TV entertainment, such as Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube. For years creators have been constructing content for billions of users on YouTube which has led to the creation of some of the most famous personalities we know and love. But with all the good that comes from YouTube, in addition, there is an underlying feeling that what you are watching is nothing more than just a jumble of fake faces and scenarios. However, among all these counterfeit happiness and facade-filled videos, is Emma Chamberlain.

I’ve only recently begun to watch Chamberlain’s videos, but once one video ends – another one begins – a chain reaction. I was bewildered as to why I was so enthralled with this seemingly normal human, and then I realized that she was just that, a normal human. A normal human who was true to herself. Chamberlain is one of the few internet faces that is full-heartedly authentic to her viewers. Whether doing interviews at the Met Gala, creating her company, “Chamberlain Coffee”, making videos in her bed, or speaking on her podcast Anything Goes, she creates a safe place and platform that feels more like a family rather than a fan club. One of her most captivating videos was “Stories from my childhood.” It seemed to be a very simple video, but it turned tedious life into something special. As high school seniors, we often focus on the future, and  questions like: “What will I do when I graduate?” “Will I graduate?” “Who will I still be friends with once I graduate?” arises. But even with all these questions, Chamberlain has taught that everything will be ok. She says to create the life you’ve always dreamed of and don’t be any other person but yourself.

What we’ve lost from social media and the internet is the rawness of emotion and personality that used to define our interactions. In striving for a polished image, many have been shielded away from sharing the authentic and sometimes messy aspects of life. When individuals openly discuss their struggles alongside their joys, it creates a deeper connection among us. Sharing the simple, everyday moments allows us to relate to one another and fosters gratitude for our own lives. It teaches us to slow down, be present, and find joy in the small things. In a world that often emphasizes the extraordinary, it’s the ordinary moments that enrich our lives the most, reminding us to appreciate every facet of our existence. It creates a deeper connection among us. 

Remember to be kind to EVERYONE, be grateful for the things you have, thank your friends and teachers, and try to make even the most boring days special. Let’s make Timpview a safe place. 

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