Chromebooks are extremely important in the process of learning at Timpview; almost all of our schoolwork and homework takes place on computer screens. Students benefit from an almost endless amount of knowledge on their device for learning, and it makes for less books to carry around along with many other perks. The idea of Chromebooks being our primary material at school has a lot of potential, but unfortunately it creates a lot of problems. Most Timpview students experience issues with their Chromebooks up to a few times a year, and being unable to use your Chromebook can make a huge difference with your grades. You might wonder, how can Timpview make it easier for students to use their Chromebooks?
The biggest and most helpful solution would be to make the tech office more accessible. When students have issues with their Chromebooks they are told to go to the tech office, but since it’s only open for one hour per day, it can take a lot of time before students are able to get their Chromebook fixed. Not everyone can afford to leave class and have to wait a few days before they can go to the office, and in the meantime are unable to do most schoolwork. This becomes especially dire when students have extra curricular activities after school and can’t manage to get to the tech office for several days. At times, our entire grade depends on whether or not our Chromebook is being cooperative. It can sometimes be the difference between a passing grade and an F.
Chromebooks are crucial at Timpview for a multitude of reasons, and students’ inability to maintain the usage of their Chromebooks throughout the year is an increasing problem. The school can help this problem by making the tech office more available, and giving students more grace if they are experiencing technical problems. If a student must wait until the next day to bring their Chromebook to the tech office, then it’s only fair for them to get an extension on their schoolwork. Timpview can do more to help students with their learning, and upgrading the system in which we do most of our work would be a great start.