Timpview High students were squished in the halls while trying to get from class to class the first week of school, which leads to exceptional tardiness, all thanks to the construction and short passing periods.
When Timpview students started school this past week, many were excited to get back to normal learning and see friends without any COVID restrictions. However, COVID wasn’t the party pooper it’s been for the past year— instead, it was the construction, which ironically is supposed to make Timpview a better place. And it will be. Eventually. But right now it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Or hallway. You know, because of all the students crammed in there.
Recently we had the chance to interview Sean Edwards, our Assistant Principal. When asked if there are any plans to decongest the halls he said: “I know there’s been some configuration with the seminary building and going back into the school, seminary students are being asked to go in through the thunderdome.” This has worked well, all things considered. Those students, previously pressed shoulder to shoulder in the I-wing, have an easier time getting to classes. But that still leaves every other student that has to get to their next class.
What can be done? The construction can’t stop, and it won’t be done for quite a few years. But there may be a simple solution: extend passing periods.
Several students were able to record the time to walk from seminary to the corner of U-Wing , during different times of the school day. The length of the walk averaged at 6.7 minutes. The passing period is 5 minutes. That is just one example.
When asked about any plans to change passing period times Mr. Edwards said “We have been having that conversation as an administrative team. Next week we’re going to be evaluating what situation is best for teachers and students, to make sure you have the time you need to get to classes.”
Other options exist. For example, having seminary let us out earlier, or letting out one class wing at a time. Each of those solutions present their own set of issues.. One option some have turned to is avoiding the commons altogether, instead walking down the PE hall then walking past all the L-40s and U-40s. It has little traffic— the only issue is that it’s a much longer path compared to the normal route via the commons.
Another issue was brought up in our conversation with Mr. Edwards: the lunch period length. He said, “When we do look at passing periods next week, we are going to be looking at lunch times as well.”
The lines for school lunch are incredibly long, leaving some students with no time to eat at all. Others have chosen to leave campus to eat, but it’s a 7 minute walk from school all the way to the church parking lot, not including the journey across Timpview Dr, or time to find someplace to sit, eat, and return to school. .
We are all hoping for this year to move smoother than last year, and if the administration is looking to fix these issues as quickly as they’re presented, then we can plan on this year being a major step-up from last year.
noah molinaro • Jan 6, 2022 at 10:35 AM
I agree more time helps others get to class. but sluffers would have more time to sluff and then lie about it.
AJ • Sep 7, 2021 at 3:05 PM
I agree we need more time
Michael Watson • Sep 7, 2021 at 2:14 PM
Calix • Aug 30, 2021 at 2:42 PM
school is cool (I think)
blackcat • Aug 30, 2021 at 10:16 AM
I agree something needs to be done. It’s such a huge problem that getting from the I-wing to the A-wing can take upwards of 7 mins leaving you with 200 tardies per quarter. It’s terrible.