While Timpview High has recovered from Covid in many ways, attendance still has a long way to go before making a full recovery. In the last two years, attendance at Timpview has dropped drastically, going from an average of one to two people absent per class to up to a third of the class being absent. The attendance office has been doing its best to try and educate students on the harmful effects of missing class with lessons in homeroom, but Utah law currently prohibits any means of enforcing attendance until June 2022 (e.g. not allowing students to go to dances, not letting them graduate, etc.).
In response to students who feel like their attendance is not that important, the attendance secretary Mrs. Geary had to say, “What you’re losing is a lot of the actual educational opportunities, and teachers have had to lower their curriculum bar, and we’re still not meeting it… At Timpview, our goal is to actually prepare people for life, college, careers, you know, being ready to get out there into the real world, and when we’ve just done the bare minimum we’re not ready to deal with the world the way it really is.” To students who feel like they could simply get more done at home in less time, she says “[This] is partially true, but also the teachers could do more if people would come to class and actually participate.”
While there are many reasons why attendance might be difficult, there are important benefits to being present and engaged in class, which are hard to make up for any other way. As this school year winds to a close, students might take some time to reflect on their own education, involvement, and goals for the future.
Anonymous • May 16, 2022 at 11:13 AM
Sanrillion Verilo • Apr 27, 2022 at 1:42 PM
Skill issue
San Verilo • Apr 27, 2022 at 1:38 PM
Sounds like a skill issue