At the beginning of 2023, I decided to give film photography a try, not for any deep artistic reason, but just because it seemed cool. At the time, I was staying with a friend in Los Angeles, and I decided that I was gonna head over to a flea market to see if I could get my hands on a camera. I didn’t know much about film, just that I liked the look of it, but I’ve never been so grateful that I decided to give something a try.

Since that day, I’ve been shooting film and I just enjoy shooting film. Currently, I have been using a Pentax ME, after testing out three different cameras, and hands-down this one is my favorite. I’m also a big fan of Kodak Gold as a film stock. The warm tones, the way it handles light, and the subtle grain works well for me. Lately, though, I’ve been experimenting with CineStill 800T, and I have to admit, I get the hype. The cinematic vibe, the way it plays with artificial light, and the cooler tones, it’s got a completely different energy that I’ve been loving.
There’s something about the process, the patience, and the unpredictability that makes film photography feel more alive than just taking the picture on a Phone. Instead of taking millions of photos on your phone or camera, film forces you to slow down and think about each frame. When you only have 36 shots, every click of the shutter matters, and that intention changes the way you see the world.

I’m not here to say that film is better than digital, but in a world obsessed with instant gratification, there’s something refreshing about a process that makes you wait, that makes you trust your instincts as a photographer. If you’ve never shot film, I highly recommend giving it a go. Pick up a cheap film camera from a flea markey, grab a roll of film, and take your time with it. Experiment with a roll and see how you like it. You might screw up on your first roll, but honestly everyone does. But that’s what makes it fun. Film isn’t about perfection; it’s about experimenting, learning, and seeing the beauty of the unexpected. When you finally get a shot back that turns out even better than you imagined, it makes it all worth it.